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CUET Geography Syllabus (Updated) – Find the New and Updated Syllabus for CUET Geography here

18 March, 2024
Parthiva Mewawala

Geography is a multifaceted discipline that studies the earth’s surface characteristics, human interactions, and atmospheric phenomena, apart from important topics such as communication and trade, human settlements, and human geography. The CUET Geography syllabus is divided into many units, each with detailed topics. Candidates preparing for the CUET exam can understand the examination comprehensively by referring to the CUET syllabus on the official website – cuet.samarth.ac.in. This could potentially enhance their prospects of securing a seat in a CUET-accepting institution.


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CUET Geography Syllabus: Fundamentals of Human Geography 


Unit  Topic  Sub-topic 
Unit 1 

Human Geography – Nature and Scope 

  • The nature and scope of the study of human geography.
Unit 2


  • Population of the world- Distribution, density and growth. 
  • Population change- Spatial patterns and structure, 

Determinants of population change. 

  • Age-sex ratio: Rural-Urban composition 
  • Human development- Concept, Selected indicators, international comparisons. 
Unit 3 

Human Activites 

  • Primary activities – concept and changing trends; gathering, pastoral, mining, subsistence agriculture, modern agriculture; people engaged in agriculture and allied activities – some examples from selected countries;
  • Secondary activities – concept; manufacturing: agro-processing, household, small scale, large scale; people engaged in secondary activities – some examples from selected countries
  • Tertiary activities – concept; trade, transport, and communication; services; people engaged in tertiary activities -some examples from selected countries;
  • Quaternary activities – concept; knowledge-based industries; people engaged in quaternary activities– some examples from selected countries.
Unit 4 

Transport, Communication and Trade 

  • Land transport- Roads, Railways- Rail Network, Trans- continental railways 
  • Water transport- Inland waterways, major ocean routes 
  • Oil and gas pipelines 
  • Satellite Communication and Cyber Space 
  • International trade- Basis and changing patterns, ports as gateways of international trade, role of WTO in international trade 
Unit 5 

Human Settlements

Settlement types – Rural and urban; morphology of cities (case study); distribution of megacities; problems of human settlements in developing countries.


CUET Geography Syllabus: People and Economy 


Unit  Topic  Sub -Topic 
Unit 1 


  • Population: distribution, density, and growth; composition of the population – linguistic, religious; sex, rural-urban and occupational – regional variations in the growth of population
  • Migration: international, national – causes and consequences
  • Human development – selected indicators and regional patterns
  • Population, environment, and development
Unit 2 

Human Settlements 

  • Rural Settlements- Types and Distributions 
  • Urban Settlements- Types, distribution and functional classification. 
Unit 3 

Resources and Development 

  • Land resources – general land use; agricultural land use – major crops; agricultural development and problems, common property resources;
  • Water resources – availability and utilisation – irrigation, domestic, industrial and other uses; scarcity of water and conservation methods – rainwater harvesting and watershed management (one case study related to participatory watershed management to be introduced)
  • Mineral and energy resources – metallic and non-metallic minerals and their distribution; conventional and non-conventional energy sources
  • Industries – types and distribution; industrial location and clustering; changing pattern of selected industries – iron and steel, cotton textiles, sugar, petrochemicals, and knowledge-based industries; the impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation on industrial location
  • Planning in India – target area planning (case study); idea of sustainable development (case study)
Unit 4 

Transport, Communication and International Trade 

  • Transport and communication — roads, railways, waterways, and airways; oil and gas pipelines; national electric grids; communication networkings – radio, television, satellite, and internet
  • International trade — changing pattern of India’s foreign trade; seaports and their hinterland and airports
Unit 5 

Geographical Perspectives on Selected Issues and Problems 

  • Environmental pollution; urban waste disposal
  • Urbanisation-rural-urban migration; problem of slums
  • Land Degradation


Exam Pattern for CUET Geography 


Subjects  No of Questions  Number of Questions to be attempted  Maximum Marks 
Geography  50  40  200 




Students may locate and review specific topics within the CUET Geography Syllabus as it is divided into sections. As a result of its comprehensive organisation, the CUET Geography Syllabus is easy to comprehend. Therefore, candidates must prepare every topic listed on the CUET Geography Syllabus 2024. To have ample time on hand to analyse each topic and perform well in the CUET Geography exam, the candidates should begin their preparation as soon as possible.

FAQs related to CUET Geography Syllabus 2024


1. Where will I be able to find the Geography Syllabus for CUET? 

The CUET geography syllabus 2024 will be available on the official website. 


2. What topics are covered in the CUET Geography Syllabus? 

The CUET Syllabus for geography may cover areas of geography like human geography, physical geography, geospatial techniques, and environmental studies. 


3. How effectively can I prepare for the CUET geography section?

    Prepare well for the CUET Geography section by understanding the syllabus,
    creating a study plan, practising previous year papers, and taking guidance if necessary. 


4. Are there any reference books for CUET Geography? 

There are no specific CUET Geography books. However, standard geography
    textbooks and reference materials will be helpful. 


5. Should the candidate focus on the entire syllabus? 

Yes, the candidate should focus on studying the entire geography syllabus for CUET, as the questions asked can be from any section. The students should prepare an effective study schedule to cover the whole CUET Geography Syllabus 2024. They should be aware of the entire syllabus as questions may be asked from any topic or unit.