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CUET Sanskrit Syllabus 2024

18 March, 2024
Parthiva Mewawala

As one of the classical languages of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages, Sanskrit has been studied by Western scholars since the late 18th century. As many Indian texts, including religious scriptures and literary works, are written in Sanskrit, Sanskrit has been studied in Indian schools to connect students with India’s rich cultural and religious heritage. Students can become teachers, pursue doctoral degrees, and become professors, translators, poets, and writers by studying Sanskrit.


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 CUET Sanskrit Syllabus 2024


The candidates can download the Syllabus for CUET Sanskrit from the official website at cuet.samarth.ac.in. The syllabus for CUET Sanskrit comprises topics such as  शब्दरूपाणि- वाक्येषु विभक्तिप्रयोगा, धातुरूपाणि, सन्धयः सन्धिबिच्छेदाः च, समासाः विग्रहाः च, प्रत्यया, उपपदविभक्तिप्रयोगाः, भाषिककार्यम्, उन्दसां सोदाहरणलक्षणपरिचयः /लोकेषु छन्दोऽधिज्ञानम्, शब्दालङ्काराः अर्थालङ्काराः च, संस्कृतसाहित्यस्य सामान्यपरिचयः. Each Question Paper will consist of 50 questions, out of which 40 must be answered.

Below is the CUET Sanskrit Syllabus 2024 which can be covered from your NCERT textbooks: 

                                  Unit                        Topic 

1. शब्दरूपाणि – वाक्येषुणवभणिप्रयोगा

§ अजनताः बालक, फल, रमा, कवि, मवि, िारर, नदी, विि, ुधेन, ुमधु, विि,ृ माि, ृ वििीय, सवि, दाि, ृन, ृ स्िस, ्अवि । § हलनताः राजन, ्भिि, ्आत्मन्, वििस, ् िाच,्िविन, ्मरुि्, िादृक्, वदि,्धवनन, ्िञ्चन, ्अष्टन्, निन, ्दिन्। § सववनामाणन सिव, िि, ् यि, ्वकम, ्इदम्(विषुवलङ्गषे)ु, अस्मद, ्यष्ुमद्।

2. धातुरूपाणि

§ परस्मैपणदनः गम,्नम, ्अस,्हस, ्श्र, ुनि, ्आि, ्िक्, इष, ् प्रच्छ्, कृ, ज्ञा, भि्, वचन्ि, ्निृ ्, कि, ्नी, िच् (लट्, लटृ्, लोट्, लङ्, विवधवलङ्इवि िञ्चलकारेषुप्रयोगााः) § आत्मनेपणदनः लभ, ्सेि, ्िन्द, ्याच्(लट्-लटृ्-लङ्लकारेष)ु

3. सनधयः सणनधणवच्छेदाः च

§ स्िरसवन्धाः दीर्वाः, गणुाः, िवृधाः, यण, ्अयावदाः, ििूरूव िम्। § व्यञ्जनसवन्धाः श्चत्ुिम, ्ष्टुत्िम, ्जश्तत्िम, ्अननुावसकाः, अनस्ुिाराः, िरसिणवाः। § विसगवसवन्धाः उत्िम, ्रत्िम, ्लोिाः, विसगस्व िानेस, ्ि, ्ष्।

4. समासाः णवग्रहाः च

§ अव्ययीभावः यिा, प्रवि, उि, अनु, वनर, ्सह, अवध । § द्वनद्वः इिरेिरिन्िाः, समाहाराः, एकिेषाः । § तत्पुरुषः विभविित्िरुुषाः, कमवधारयाः, विगाःु, उििदित्िरुुषाः । § बहुव्रीणहः

5. प्रत्यया

§ कृत-्प्रत्ययाः ि, ििि, ुिव्य, अनीयर, ्िि, ृ िानच, ्विन्। § तणित-प्रत्ययाः मििु्, इन, ् ठक्, ठञ, ्त्ि, िल्। § स्त्री-प्रत्ययौ टाि, ्ङीि्।

6. उपपदणवभणिप्रयोगाः

7. भाणषककायवम्

§ वििेषण-वििष्ेयिदचयनम् § किववृिया-िदचयनम् § ियावय/विलोमिदचयनम

8. छनदसांसोदाहरिलक्षिपररचयः/श्लोकेषुछनदोऽणभज्ञानम

§ छन्दाांवस – अनष्टुुभ, ्उिजाविाः, ििां स्िम,् िसन्िविलका, मावलनी, वििररणी, िादलवूवििीवििम, ् मन्दािान्िा ।

9. शब्दालङ्काराः अर्ावलङ्काराः च

§ िब्दालङ्कारााः – अनप्रुासाः, यमकाः, श्लेषाः । § अिावलङ्कारााः -उिमा, रूिकम, ्उत्प्रेिा, अिावन्िरन्यासाः ।

10. संस्कृतसाणहत्यस्य सामानयपररचयः

CUET Sanskrit Exam Pattern 


Duration  40 
Marking scheme  200 
Negative Marking  01 
Total no of questions  50 
Total no of questions to be attempted  40 
Subject  Sanskrit 

Key points of CUET Sanksrit 

  1. Studying Sanskrit is essential to understanding Indian philosophy, religion, and culture. Sanskrit is the language of ancient Indian texts, such as the Vedas and Puranas. Students learn about Sanskrit literature and its significance in Indian culture from CUET’s Sanskrit syllabus.
  2. The CUET Sanskrit syllabus provides a comprehensive foundation for further study of Indian history, philosophy, religion, and culture.
  3. The CUET Sanskrit syllabus promotes the study of Sanskrit and preserves Indian cultural heritage. It helps students develop critical thinking and cognitive skills and provides a comprehensive understanding of Sanskrit literature and language.
  4. The CUET Sanskrit syllabus equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue further studies or careers related to Indian culture and philosophy.


Candidates must familiarise themselves with the CUET 2024 Sanskrit Syllabus and Exam Pattern to gain a better understanding of the diverse range of questions, several crucial subjects, the marking scheme, and the level of difficulty of the exam. To achieve success, students should focus on Sanskrit Grammar, epics, vedic eras, economics, politics, digital humanities, and globalisation from NCERT textbooks. 

FAQs related to the Syllabus for CUET Sanskrit 

1. What is the format for the CUET Sanksrit Entrance exam? 

The entrance exam consists of objective-type questions with multiple-choice answers. 

2. What is the syllabus for the CUET Sanskrit entrance exam? 

The syllabus for the CUET Sanskrit entrance exam comprises literary criticism, Sanskrit grammar, epics, and stotras. 

3. How can you register for the CUET Sanskrit entrance exam? 

The candidates can register for the CUET Sanskrit entrance exam on the official website of the university. 

4. What is the duration of the CUET Sanskrit entrance examination? 

The total duration of the CUET Sanskrit entrance exam is 2 hours. 

5. What are the prerequisites for appearing for the CUET Sanskrit entrance examination? 

Sanskrit should be one of the key subjects in the 10+2 examination or equivalent from a recognised board.