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GATE 2025 Exam Day Guidelines

23 January, 2024
Radhika Joshi

It is important for all candidates taking the GATE Exam 2025 to arrive and be present at the exam centre on time and with the necessary documents, including a valid ID card, admit card, and a recent photograph. These GATE exam day guidelines are essential and must be followed by all candidates.



To ensure a successful and stress-free exam day, candidates must effectively understand and follow the exam day guidelines carefully. These guidelines are created to provide candidates with important information and instructions on what to do and what not to do on exam day.


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One-Day Prior Checklist: GATE Exam 2025


On the day of the GATE exam in 2025, candidates often forget to take certain things with them. 

To avoid any last-minute hassle and create a hectic situation for them, we have compiled a list of important documents that you must carry with you to follow GATE exam day guidelines. It is better to plan ahead of time for the exam day:


The significant document you must carry with you is the admission card. If you have not downloaded it yet, please do so now.


It is always best to visit the exam centre a day before the exam to make sure everything is clear on the exam day. Keep all your documents organised and packed a day before the exam.


Please note that electronic devices or anything related to them are not allowed in the examination room and should not be used by the candidates in the exam.


The day before the exam, stay healthy and eat a nutritious diet. Please avoid junk food and overeating. Also, listening to meditation music can help you relax your thoughts and calm your nerves.


Pre-Examination Guidelines


As per the rules of the GATE exam, all candidates will be allowed to log in 20 minutes prior to the actual start time of the exam in 2025 to read and understand the relevant instructions. However, they will not be permitted to begin answering the questions until the given period has passed.


Using this time to familiarise yourself with the GATE exam day guidelines is advised.


The exam centre will provide you with scribble pads for rough work. However, it is mandatory to return the scribble pad after the exam is completed and before leaving the exam hall.


Before using the scribble pad, all candidates must write their name and registration number.


GATE Exam Day Guidelines 2025


The following are some crucial GATE exam day guidelines that candidates should follow. For a better and smooth GATE exam day experience:


Bring the GATE 2025 admit card and valid photo ID on the exam day.


Go to the exam centre 90 minutes before the start of the exam. The login will be there only for 30 minutes after the exam starts.


Candidates have 20 minutes before the exam to log on and read the instructions.


You should carry a pen, pencil, transparent water bottle, mask, and pocket-sized hand sanitiser.


Anyone who does not have an admit card will be barred from the GATE 2025 exam. So remember to read the instructions and follow the GATE exam day guidelines for scoring well and effectively completing your exam.


Keep only the GATE Admit Card printed on a single side of an A4 sheet.


You cannot bring electronic devices to the examination hall. And refrain from doing aspects against GATE exam day guidelines.


Any applicant found with any forbidden object during the examination will have to face disciplinary action.


Aspirants must take their seats 45 minutes before the exam begins to study the instructions properly.


Candidates should not enter the examination hall after 9:30 a.m.; no candidate will get permission to leave before the examination. Moreover, you should follow the GATE exam day guidelines effectively. 


It is always best to read the question paper quickly so you can choose how to break it. Use the “View All Questions” button to read quickly. This will allow you to choose and plan the order in which you will complete the sections.


Then, start the exam by choosing which portion you wish to take. Most toppers recommend starting with the topic section because the GA and Engineering Math components are simple to score.


Most students find one-mark questions easier to answer than two-mark ones that require analysis and reasoning. If this is the case for you, start with one mark.


Answer the questions you know the answers to improve your score as you progress. This will increase your confidence before going on to more difficult tasks.


The most important thing is to remember to save each answer before moving on to the next.


Another option is to scribble down the question numbers you know but need some time to consider on a scribbling pad. This will help you to respond to them faster when you are ready.


Answer all the questions you know the answers to or are quite sure about. Refrain from wasting time on questions you are doubtful about or need to know the answers to.


After you have answered the questions you know the answers to, move on to the ones you set aside for later and start answering them.


Remember that numerical answers require a certain degree of precision, so calculate carefully.


Avoid devoting too much time to any one problem. Time is crucial, so continue with caution.


Because there is negative grading, avoid answering questions you do not know the answers to avoid losing crucial marks due to a fluke.


Plan your answers so you have time to double-check them at the end of the exam.


Candidates will use a virtual or on-screen calculator for numerical calculations, as personal calculators are not permissible.


Management will provide preliminary spreadsheets for calculations.


Candidates should keep a duplicate of their admission card for future reference.


We hope you found our comprehensive article on the “GATE Exam Day Guidelines 2025” informative, helpful, and beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation.




Can I bring a pen to the GATE Exam 2025?

Yes, you can bring a pen to the examination hall, and candidates must carry a GATE 2025 admit card and identification card and properly follow the GATE exam day guidelines. 


Can I wear shoes during the GATE 2025 exam?

Candidates for the GATE 2025 exam can wear shoes.


What items can I bring to the exam?

Candidates can bring a restricted number of items to the GATE exam. You must bring one original photo ID and the admission card for photo identification. Aside from that, candidates can only carry their water bottles.


How do I avoid losing my answers during the GATE exam?

Always save each answer before going to the next question so you keep your progress and keep maintaining your GATE exam day guidelines. 


What tips can be effective for last-minute exam preparation?

In advance, download and keep your GATE 2025 admit card’s print and preserve a digital copy. Check and visit the exam centre location a day before the exam to know the location in advance and get a better idea. Prepare your exam day kit, including the admit card and phone ID. You should not carry any electronic devices, cell phones, or calculators. Be on time, or you cannot take the exam and enter the hall.