IPMAT Rohtak 2021 Exam Analysis

- IPMAT Rohtak exam 2021 was an online, center proctored exam, conducted on 17 July from 9-11 AM
- While exam notification & admit card was mentioned so, the paper did not have a sectional time limit, similar to 2020. Hence, students could move between sections
- Total Q and duration – 120 Q to be attempted in 120 min
- Marking scheme = +4, -1
Let us look at section-wise analysis
Verbal Ability (40 Q)
Topic | Number of Q |
Reading Comprehension (4 passages of 200 words each) | 15-16 |
Parajumbles | 6-8 |
Error spotting | 5-6 |
Fill in the blanks | 4-5 |
Word substitution (Synonyms) | 4-5 |
Total | 40 Q |
RC passages were easy and questions were straightforward. A few para jumbles had 4 sentences. Others had 6 sentences, of which the first & last sentences were fixed. English was a very scoring section
Good attempt – 34-36
Good score – 100-110 (With 80% accuracy)
Ideal time spent – 20-25 Min
Logical Reasoning
Topic | Number of Q |
Syllogism | 6-7 |
Circular arrangement | 4-5 |
Matrix arrangement | 4-5 |
Statement-Argument, Statement- Assumption | 4-5 |
Coding Decoding | 3-4 |
Series completion | 3-4 |
Data Sufficiency | 3-4 |
Analogy | 3-4 |
Directions | 3-4 |
Family Tree | 2-3 |
Linear arrangements | 1-2 |
Total | 40 Q |
The arrangement case lets had a single question and not multiple questions based on them. The reasoning was also a very easy and scoring section.
Good attempt – 30-33
Good Score – 90-97 (With 80% accuracy)
Ideal time spent – 35-38 min
Quantitative Aptitude
Topic | Number of Q |
Time, Speed and Distance | 4-5 |
Numbers (BODMAS, LCM-HCF) | 4-5 |
Time & Work | 3-4 |
Mixtures & allegations | 2-3 |
Percentages | 2-3 |
Quadratic equations | 2 |
SI-CI | 2 |
P&C | 2 |
Profit & loss | 1-2 |
Mensuration | 2 |
Circles | 2 |
Set Theory | 2 |
Percentages | 2 |
Profit & loss | 2 |
Probability | 2 |
Heights & Distance | 2 |
Total | 40 Q |
The questions were of easy to moderate level. Some questions were lengthy and calculative. This was a more time-consuming section than the other two. Order of attempting questions by using the A-B-C approach would have been a score booster.
Good attempt – 30-33
Good Score – 90-97 (With 80% accuracy)
Ideal time spent – 40 min
The overall difficulty level of the IPM Rohtak 2021 paper was similar to 2020 and the exam continued its perception of being the ‘Easier IPMAT’ (IPMAT Indore being the tougher one)
Thus, overall good attempts would be 94-100 with a good score of 275-300 should fetch personal interview (PI) shortlist. All the best for results