NPAT 2021 Analysis

- NPAT 2021 was an online, remote proctored exam. The exam was conducted on 3 days, 28 June, 2 July & 3 July. Exam pattern and difficulty on all three days were very similar.
- The test started with the verbal section, followed by reasoning and quantitative aptitude. Students did not have the option to choose the order of sections. While there was no sectional time limit, students could move to the next section only after submitting the previous section. They could not return to the previous section
- 120 Q had to be attempted in 100 min. The marking scheme was 1 mark for the right answer, no negative marking for the wrong answer
Section 1 – Verbal Ability (40 Q)
This was a very easy & scoring section. Questions were direct
Topic | Number of Q |
RC: 3 passages of 100-150 words each (Work-from-home, procrastination, importance of nature) | 15 |
Fill in the blanks (Prepositions, Conjunctions, Tenses and Vocabulary) | 10 |
Idioms and Phrases: Sentence Based, Identification of meaning based on usage | 6 |
Sentence Correction (Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement, Missing Pronoun, Indefinite Pronoun, Error Identification and Parallelism) | 5 |
Parajumbles (5 sentences) | 4 |
Total | 40 Q |
RC passages were easy, but one of the passages was tricky. They were based on easy topics in daily reading like WFH, procrastination, etc. The questions asked were inference and vocabulary-based. Overall they were Easy to moderate
Good attempt – 30-32
Good score – 28-30
Ideal time spent – 20-22 mins
Section 2 – Logical Reasoning
Topic | Number of Q |
DI case lets: Pie Chart (4 Q), Tables (4 Q), line graphs (2 Q ) | 10 |
Selection Criteria | 2 |
Data Sufficiency | 3 |
Syllogism | 3 |
Logical Inequalities | 2 |
Visual Reasoning | 3 |
Venn Diagram | 5 |
Mathematical Operations | 4 |
Family Tree | 2 |
Ranking | 2 |
Circular Arrangement | 1 |
Statement Argument, Statement Assumption | 3 |
Total | 40 Q |
In DI, some questions were of moderate difficulty & others were calculation-based. Line graph & data table-based case lets were time-consuming and calculation heavy. Pie chart-based case let was doable. Question set selection was the key. The overall section was of easy-moderate difficulty
Good attempt – 30-32
Good Score – 26-27
Ideal time spent – 30 mins
Section 3 – Quantitative Aptitude
Topic | Number of Q |
Statistics | 5 |
Trigonometry | 5 |
Functions | 4 |
Quadratic Equations | 3 |
Set Theory | 3 |
SI-CI | 3 |
BODMAS | 3 |
Percentages | 2 |
Profit & loss | 2 |
AP – GP | 2 |
Linear Equations | 2 |
Probability | 2 |
Number applications | 2 |
Time, Speed and Distance | 1 |
Venn Diagram | 1 |
Total | 40 Q |
The questions were of Moderate to Difficult level. Some questions were lengthy and calculative. Questions on functions were on composite and inverse functions. They were time-consuming. Quadratic equation questions were based on the properties of roots. Questions from statistics & percentage were calculation based, of moderate to difficult level
Order of attempting questions by using the A-B-C approach would have been a score booster
Good attempt – 25-27
Good Score – 22-25
Ideal time spent – 45 to 50 mins
The overall difficulty level of the NPAT 2021 paper was moderate. Ideal attempts would be 87-90 with a good score of 78-82.
All the best for results