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NPAT Cut off 2025: Check Good Attempts of Each Section

12 March, 2025
Radhika Joshi

Summary: The Cut off marks for the NMIMS NPAT exam help to determine how much you need to score to crack the exam successfully. This article provides the previous year’s cut off marks and the expected NPAT cut off 2025. To learn more, read through the article.

NPAT cutoff

The minimum qualifying mark required to move to the next stage of the exam process varies by course and is decided by the conducting body. In the case of BBA, the NPAT Cut off is the minimum qualifying mark required to be shortlisted for the next exam stage.

The NMIMS NPAT Cut off marks are determined based on various parameters. In this article, we will discuss these parameters and provide you with the previous years’ off marks. We aim to provide you with a simple and concise guide to help you understand the NPAT Cut off BBA.

NPAT Cutoff 2025 ( Expected) 

The following are section-wise good attempts to learn in detail about NPAT cutoffs:


Section Good Attempts Difficulty Level
Verbal Ability 30-34 Easy
Reasoning 30-32 Easy to Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude 26-28 Difficult
Total 79-82 Moderate to Difficult


NPAT Cutoff 2024: Good Attempts

The following are section-wise good attempts to learn in detail about NPAT cutoffs:


Section Good Attempts Difficulty Level
Verbal Ability 30-34 Easy
Reasoning 30-32 Easy to Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude 26-28 Difficult
Total 79-82 Moderate to Difficult


Read More – NPAT Exam Preparation

NPAT Cut off Marks 2023: Good Attempts

The number of good attempts for each section has been determined based on an analysis of the exam. To get an idea of a Cut off score for the NPAT Exam, you can refer to the table below.


Section Good Attempts Difficulty Level
Verbal Ability 30-34 Easy
Reasoning 30-32 Easy to Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude 26-28 Difficult
Total 79-82 Moderate to Difficult


NPAT Cut off 2022: Good Attempts 

The minimum score in the NPAT depends on the test’s difficulty level, the number of test takers, and the number of seats available. The following table shows the good attempts for each section of the exam in the year 2022.


Section Good Attempts
Proficiency Test in the English Language 29-30
Quantitative & Numerical Ability 26-29
Reasoning & General Intelligence 29-30
Overall NPAT cut-off 85-86


NPAT Cut off 2021: Good Attempts 

Good attempts represent the number of questions a candidate should attempt in order to get a qualifiable score.


Section Good Attempts Difficulty Level
Verbal Ability 30-34 Easy
Reasoning 30-32 Easy to Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude 26-28 Difficult
Total 79-82 Moderate to Difficult


Read More: NPAT Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Factors Affecting NPAT CutOff Marks

Several factors are taken into account when determining the NPAT cutoff marks to ensure a fair and accurate selection process. One primary consideration is the difficulty level of the NPAT Question Paper.  

This ensures cutoff marks reflect exam complexity and challenge.
– Offers a level playing field for all candidates.
– The number of students who appeared and applied is a crucial metric.
– Helps understand competition level and demand for the course/institution.
– Influences the cutoff marks accordingly.


Availability of seats is a significant factor. Also,
– The ratio of applicants to available seats directly impacts cutoff marks.
– Higher competition for limited seats leads to higher cutoff marks.


Lastly, considering the trend of the previous year’s cutoff marks helps maintain consistency and predictability in the admission process. This historical data helps set a benchmark and adjust the cutoff marks based on any changes in the factors mentioned above. 


Together, these parameters ensure that the NPAT cutoff marks are set in a balancing manner, reflecting both the exam’s standards and the candidates’ performance.

Also, Read:https://www.imsindia.com/blog/npat/top-bba-colleges-accepting-npat-score/


FAQs: NMIMS NPAT CutOff Marks 


  1. What are cutoff marks?

 Cut off marks are the minimum scores that candidates must achieve in an exam to qualify for the next round of the selection process or to secure admission to a program. 


  1. How is the NPAT cutoff determined?

NPAT cutoff determination factors:
– Examination difficulty level
– Number of candidates appearing for the exam
– Total number of seats available
– Historical cutoff trends


  1. Where can I find the NPAT cutoff marks?

 NMIMS releases the NPAT cutoff marks and the NPAT exam results on its official website. 


  1. What does it mean if I score above the NPAT cutoff?

Scoring above the NPAT cut off:
– Qualifies you for the next selection stage
– Or secures a seat in the program


  1. How often is the NPAT cutoff updated?

 The NPAT cutoff is updated annually after the exam is conducted for that year. 



   6. What factors affect the NPAT cut off marks? 

Factors affective NPAT Cut off include:

-Difficulty level of the exam
– Number of applicants
– Number of seats available
– Trend of previous years’ cut off marks