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Coursera 3-Month Access


Base Fees: ₹3000 | GST: 18% (₹540)

Enhance your Profile with Coursera’s Online Courses and Specializations – Partnered with IMS. Unlock 3 Months of unlimited access to a diverse range of Coursera Courses, including specializations offered by top universities, to boost and strengthen your profile.

What more, you pay upto 60% less as compared to Coursera Retail price. Available for IMS Students only.

Select Batch

Batch Start Date: 10-5-2023
Batch Type: Weekday

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Embark on a Three-month journey of exploration with unlimited access to Coursera's extensive course catalog. Select from a diverse range of courses, including specializations offered by top universities, to enhance & elevate your profile.

The IMS Advantage

IMS's Collaborative Partnership with Coursera

IMS has partnered with Coursera, a renowned online learning platform, to offer specialized courses aimed at profile building for aspiring B-School students.

Through this collaboration, IMS leverages Coursera’s extensive course catalog, which encompasses a diverse array of subjects critical for B-School admissions.

Upto 60% Off as Compared to Coursera Retail Price

When you register through IMS, you gain the exclusive benefit of securing your Coursera subscription at upto 60% less as compared to Coursera Retail Price

This subscription provides students with unlimited access to a wide range of courses and learning materials on Coursera for a month at an unbeatable price.

Access to Unlimited Resources on the Coursera Platform

Students will have the advantage of unlimited access to the Coursera platform for a one-month period. By immersing themselves in the wealth of resources available on Coursera, students can leverage this partnership to expand their horizons and accelerate their personal and intellectual growth.

Additionally, choose from a selection of IMS recommended specialized courses offered by top universities. These recommended courses cover a wide range of disciplines, including business, data science, finance, marketing & more.

Learn at your own pace & convenience

This exceptional opportunity allows students to explore a vast array of courses and learning materials at their own pace and convenience. Whether it’s a quick review or an in-depth exploration, Coursera’s learn-at-your-own-pace approach empowers students to tailor their learning experience to their unique circumstances and optimize their educational journey.

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